Thursday, March 13, 2008

Ravelry shrinks the world

This morning I received invites to join a Portuguese language Ravelry group (muito legal) and promptly sent an invite to my friend Ceci, who also speaks Portuguese. The moderator, Acucena, has a gorgeous blog, and lives in Portugal, in Sintra (I have two silkscreens of Sintra castle hanging in my dining room). And I was also invited to be friends with Guaria, who I think is Monica, but she disguises herself in her blog :) anyway Guaria mentions trying to blog in both English and Spanish, but she got lazy. Wow, I understand cuz it all comes down to time to knit, crochet, etc.
That's Sintra castle on the left. I am also on an Irish group. I love it. We have come a long way from penpals (I had an Irish one when I was in high school).

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